Dear Class,
My apologies for getting this post up so late.
Now that you have completed your scrapbooking assignment, I would like for you to reflect on your experience with it. Answer the following questions in AT LEAST three paragraphs of 5 sentences. However, if you need more time to express yourself please do...and do not feel limited to just answering these questions. Be will not get any credit taken away from you.
1. How did you enjoy/not enjoy this assignment? Explain why you enjoyed/did not enjoy the assignment?
2.What, if anything, did doing the scrapbook help you to learn (include content knowledge about your character, grammar, writing, etc.)?
3. What do you wish that you could have done with the scrapbook that you were not able to do in the time that you were given?
4. How did you feel about your presentation? What do you wish you could have changed/done over about your presentation?
5.Would you do this assignment again? If not, what would have to change about the assignment for you to want to do it again.
6. Be sure to add anything that I may have left off...any comments or feelings about the project are welcome.
Though you normally have one week to turn in your assignments on the blog, with your impending midterm coming, I would like both classes to turn in this work by THIS FRIDAY, January 27th. You may either respond on the blog itself OR turn it in physically to me on Friday during your class. That way you can have one more grade to serve as a boost to your midterm.
If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to me in class or email me at
Ms. Mathews