Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poetry Book Instructions and Final Rubric

Hey Class,

Enclosed below are the instructions for your poetry book. I will post in a separate post your final rubric on which your final grade for your poetry unit will be based. I will hand out a paper copy of the rubric tomorrow and Thursday for all students.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Ms. Mathews
cmathews@tasok.net or cjmathews21@gmail.com

7th Grade English Language
Poetry Final Project
Due: Monday, June 4th 2012 (D Block) and Tuesday June 5th 2012 (H Block)

As a final project for your poetry unit, you will be creating your personal poetry book as well as creating song, video (slam), of one of your poems. You will present your book and your song/poetry slam in class on your respective due date.  The objective of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of each of the different forms of poetry that we learned during this unit and for you to use your creativity to create your own, original works of poetry.
Your poetry book should also include a personal biography, table of contents, and a page dedicated to a poet who inspires you. You must feature at least one of the poems of the poet you choose and write 2 paragraphs explaining who the poet is and why he/she is important to you. Then, you must write one final paragraph explaining the poem you choose and its importance to you.
Your project will be graded according to the original rubric that I gave you in class on the first day of our poetry unit, as well as an additional rubric that will be provided to you by the end of this week for the guidelines of your book and song.

Part I: Poetry Book
Your poetry book will include the four types of poems that we have learned in class (concrete, limerick, haiku, and free verse).  For each poem, you must have a title, an illustration, and it must be typed (with the exception of the concrete poem, but it must be written neatly).  You will be graded according to the poetry rubric.
Your book should be organized as follows. See below for further descriptions of each page:
Page 1: Your biography
Page 2: Dedication Page to the poet who inspires you, including chosen poem
Page 3: Table of Contents
Page 4: Poem 1 (concrete)
Page 5: Poem 2 (3-limmericks)
Page 6: Poem 3 (3 haiku)
Page 7: Poem 4 (Free verse)
Page 8: Poetry Slam Poem (must be the last poem)

The cover of your book should be creative and should relate in some way to the theme(s) of the poems within your book. Your book should have a creative title; My Poetry Book is not acceptable. I expect to see illustrations or graphics of some sort to enhance your cover. Remember that the purpose is to encourage me to pick up and read the book, rather than pass it by on the shelf.

Your Biography (2 paragraphs)
Since you are the author of this book, you should include some important facts about you. You must include a personal picture or photo.  In addition to giving information about yourself, you need to talk about your experience with poetry and what the poems in this book that you are presenting mean to you.  You also should talk about your experience with the poetry unit in your 7th grade class and how it has helped (or not helped) in your process of writing poetry. The general idea is to let your audience know who you are and your relationship to the poetry you have written. This section must be at least two paragraphs typed and double spaced.

Dedication Page
On this page you will introduce a poet who inspires you and feature one or more of his/her works. You will be required to research this person and give facts about him or her.  You must include a picture or photo of your poet. On this page you should explain why this poet inspires you and what his /her contribution to poetry today is. Finally, you should feature at least one example of the poet’s work in which you explain the meaning of the poem and why it is important or inspirational to you.  In total, you will have at least 3 paragraphs on this page. You are allowed to do this on two separate pages if you wish.

Table of Contents
Your table of contents should direct the reader to each of the poems in the book. We will go over examples of tables of contents so that you know exactly what I am expecting of you when it comes to turn in your book.
Poems (pages 4-8)
Using the poems that you have made in class throughout the past few weeks, you will put them together in your book. Remember that each of these poems will be graded against the poetry rubric, with the free verse and the poetry slam poem being graded against the choice poem rubric. YOU SHOULD ONLY INCLUDE FINAL DRAFTS OF YOUR POEMS in the book. You will hand in the rough drafts (at least 1 peer edit for each poem, at least 3 revisions for each poem) on the day you turn in your final product. YOU WILL LOSE POINTS IF YOU FAIL TO TURN IN DRAFTS.  If you have any questions about this, please speak with Ms. Mathews.

Poetry Slam Poem
This poem should be your final poem in your book. It is the only poem that you are required to perform/interpret. Although you will be presenting your book, your poetry slam poem is your grand finale that shows what you know about poetry and how it works with rhythm, music, etc.  You may use it as a song and perform it in class or as recording. You may also do the poetry slam format in which you will present the work as spoken word. We will be reviewing the idea of spoken word in class next week so that you have a better idea of what is expected of you. Again, you may either perform the piece or record it for the class to hear, but it must be included typed and illustrated in your book. This final piece will be a competitive piece against your classmates in which you will be judged based on your creativity and passion behind your work.

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