Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas: Making Connections between the movie and the book.

Hello Class,

Now that you have seen the movie and finished the book The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas, I want you to reflect upon the connections between the two. Choose a scene from the movie that you thought was particularly striking/memorable. Why was it so important to you? What made it memorable? How does the scene explain/develop the book? Or do you think the scene takes away from the book? Explain

The scene does not have to be a scene that was in the can talk about a scene that was only in the movie.

Remember, one answer (5 sentence paragraph) and 2 comments on different students (or teachers if she decides to post!-comments should be at least 3 sentences).

Ms. Mathews


  1. Farah Nanji

    The scene that was the most memorable for me was the end. I knew that Bruno would die but seeing it was much more sad that reading a bout it. For me it was very sad because thinking about an innocent kid who had his whole life ahead of him dying when he wasn't supposed to seemed very sad. Also I felt very sad for Shmuel because just like Bruno he was an innocent kid who didn't deserve to die. Lastly that was the most memorable part for me because of the way it was so dramatic and then it just went all black.

  2. Emaan Dhrolia

    I think that the movie explains a bit more about the book,and I understand a bit better than what I read.they explain even more in details.The scene which was memorable to me until I saw the movie is that they treated Pavel very meanly,like example when the bottle of wine fell by mistake Lt Kotler was really mean to him, I think after that they killed Pavel because he dropped the bottle of wine,and also before for the tire Lt Kotler was very mean to Pavel.And in the book while reading about the book it does not explain that Lt Kotler would be so mean while droping the bottle of wine(Pavel).

  3. Shezlin Hemnani

    I think that the movie explains a lot more than the book and also in details. I understand the movie more than the book because in the movie you can actually see what is happening and in the book you can just read and use your imagination to picture what is going on. The part where Pavel dropped the wine by mistake and LT Kotler killed him for that and also the end when the two innocent boys died without even knowing what was going on and also for no fault of their own. It is very interesting the way they get killed thinking that they are marching off to a closed place to not get sick since it is raining! I really like both the movie and the book but the movie a little more because the movie gives a lot more details and you can actually see what is going on and don't get the wrong imagination of what is going on like you would do when you're reading! The two parts that I wrote above are the most memorable parts for me because Pavel had just spilled the wine by mistake, he didn't mean to do it. He did that by mistake because (I think) he was very weak because they didn't give Pavel anything to eat. Also the end when the two boys die was very memorable for me because the two boys just thought that they were marching to someplace safe and not into a gas chamber!

  4. Chandni Shukla

    The Book and the Movie The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas is a very touching story. There was one part that really touched me. The part was when Bruno peeped through the window while his father and the soldiers were watching a video clip. I found the clip to be very frustrating, because the entire thing was just plain old lies. The camp was about killing and torturing Jewish people. The video was about the camp being all fun and knowledgeable. If they had not made that video people would know what as going on in the camp and would come and save the poor Jews. This scene is not in the book it is only in the movie.


    Chandni Shukla to Farah Nanji

    Your opinion is very true, Farah. Father was there reason Bruno died, because if father just told Bruno that the place was dangerous and the things that are going on there are not normal Bruno probably wouldn't have gone. When we were watching the movie I actually wanted to see them die use like the book when Shmuel's hand slowly drops.

  5. Farah Nanji
    comment to Chandni

    You are right Chandni.The boy in the striped pajamas the movie and the book is very touching. I find your observation about the film absolutely fascinating and I agree with you. The movie is one of the reasons why nobody feels sorry for the Jews. I also like the part where you mentioned about how that film frustrated you.

  6. Karen Sereshgi

    The scene that striked me the most was when they went inside the gas shower. It was important to me, because it got me thinking about what Hitler was doing, and how the Jews suffered. It was a memorable part for me, because everything went black and that was the end. I think the movie explains more, because I get to see it and not imagine how it would be. This scene was in the movie and the book.


    Karen Sereshgi to Shezlin Hemnani

    I agree with you. I think Pavel had dropped the wine bottle by mistake and shouldn't have gotten killed for that. Me too I think the movie was better, because you can actually see what is going on.

    Karen Sereshgi to Emaan Drohlia

    I agree with you. LT Kotler was very mean to Pavel when he told him to go get the tire. I also agree with you about him being mean to Pavel for dropping the wine bottle by mistake. I don't like LT Kotler at all.

  7. Shezlin Hemnani to Karen Sereshgi

    I agree with you because I think..........
    When they went inside the gas chamber I got so scared because I was just wishing they wouldn't die but they did! It was very striking because a human was doing all this to so many other humans! I feel sorry for the Jews. I can't imagine how bad/sad they felt! I can't put myself in their place because I see how lucky I am and what a good life I have. When everything went black in the end I felt like crying because it was very sad!

  8. Lee Min-Hyeok

    I think the movie explained a lot more than the book. To me it was also memorable to me, when Pavel fell the cup of wine by mistake Lt Kotler was mean to him like he hurt him very badly by hitting him so it was very sad. Also when Bruno died with Shumel and others in the gas chamber. And I can understand more easily than when I was reading the book. Because we can see what is happening but when we were reading a book it was hard to think about what was going on by imagine. And there are a lot of details.

  9. Farah nanji
    Comment to karen

    The scene where they went into the gas shower was very striking. I agree with you, that scene did start getting me to think about hitler and the suffering jews. It was very memeorable to me as well because of the way it just went all black! It was very sad!

  10. Lee Min-Hyeok to Karen Sereshgi

    I agree with you Karen. The scene when they went into the gas shower and died it was also memorable to me. Because everything just went black. Also I knew that Hitler was killing a lot of Jewish people in that horrible way. So I was sad.

  11. Shezlin Hemnani
    Comment to Farah

    In the end when Bruno and Shmuel die for no reason is very striking to me. I agree with you, I don't think the two kids and all the Jews were supposed to die just because they were Jews...... :(

  12. Lee Min-Hyeok to Farah Nanji

    I agree with your opinion Farah. And I think that he’s father is bad. Because he didn’t told him that the place is dangerous and the things were going bad. For example Jewish people were dying for no reason. But if he told to him that information maybe he didn’t went there and didn’t die for any reason.

  13. Comment
    Chandni Shukla to Shezlin Hemnani

    Your answer was very descriptive, the part that caught my eye was the part when you mentioned Pavel getting killed just for spilling wine. For the Germans, Jews were not even humans they were just worthless creatures. It was actually Lt Kotler's fault the wine spilt because if he had just fed him then Pavel would have had the energy to at least pour wine into a glass. Also such a young person killing such an old beautiful man very hurtful.

  14. Dan
    connections to movie: I think that in the movie gretel is different then how she is described in the book. She is described as the hopeless case. In the movie she acts like a good sister. Also in the movie Maria speaks more then in the book,Bruno doesn't call father stupid,and mother doesn't take pavels credit.

  15. Dan comment Lee Min-Hyeok

    I also think that Lt.Kotler is very mean to pavel when he spilled wine on him. Also when Bruno died in the gas chamber. Also the uniforms that were woren by different people.

  16. William Badagard

    Both the movie and the book were very good. But I liked the movie better because it explained a bit more. The scene that touchced me the most was when Bruno and Shmuel were forced into the gas chamber with all the Jews because it made me understand and kind of feel like how it really was and the part when Bruno squeezed Shmuel's was very striking. It felt like they would do anything for each other and they were REALLY good friends. And just because of that scene, I hate Hitler more than ever.

  17. I think the moovie was better and easier, because in the book the reader has to picture the words but in the moovie is pictured for you already. If i had to choose a scene it would be when shmuel got to clean the glasses of bruno's family, But bruno asked shmuel do you want 1(the food that was on the table). He responded yes because he was really hungry. Then bruno gave him a piece but after that LT kotler came and saw shmuel eating. Bruno knew that he did a mistake.And the when Bruno saw shmuel again he was beaten up.

  18. Imani Paluku.(forgot to write my name)

    I think the moovie was better and easier, because in the book the reader has to picture the words but in the moovie is pictured for you already. If i had to choose a scene it would be when shmuel got to clean the glasses of bruno's family, But bruno asked shmuel do you want 1(the food that was on the table). He responded yes because he was really hungry. Then bruno gave him a piece but after that LT kotler came and saw shmuel eating. Bruno knew that he did a mistake.And the when Bruno saw shmuel again he was beaten up.

  19. Imani Paluku to William Badagard.
    I think that what you said was correct. The moovie has more description, and when all of the jews including Bruno died was a very sad part. The soldiers that pushed the jews should of atleast saw bruno in their they just push everybody they see in one time.

  20. Antillia Matenda

    The part that was most shocking to me was when Pavel spills the wine. I didn't like that part one bit because the wine-spilling was not Pavel's fault. It was very sad seeing the movie because it has many details and it shows how the Jews suffere during that time.

    Comment to Shezlin

    I agree with you that the book show more details than the book. Sometimes I would also imagine the wrong things while reading the book. Last but not least , I think that the wine-spilling scene was one of the most memorable scenes.

    Comment to Chandni

    I also think that when Bruno ease dropped into the windo while the clip was sad beause it was just lying to him. I also think that if they said the truth some people would have the heart to save the poor Jew's lives. :)

  21. Danyella Mulunda
    The scene that I thought was really striking from the movie is when Bruno's parents reacted after his death. Particularily his father, even though he was being very cruel towards the Jews and strict towards everyone he still had love for his family in this case Bruno. It is striking to me because it touched me to see him cry after losing his youngest child and his only boy.When I see a grown man crying I know that he is hurt or really touched and seing a strict and straight foward man such as Bruno's dad crying I immediatley knew he had love for his son. At first when I started reading the book and watching the movie I saw Bruno's dad as a bad guy but after this scene he isn't so bad after all.That's why this scene was striking to me.

  22. Danyella Mulunda to Farah Nanji
    Farah I really liked your comment on the end of the movie. When you stated that the book touched you but seeing it was more emotional I realized that you were right. I used to tell myself that words say more than pictures but when I thought about the book(Boy in the Striped Pygamas) and the movie, the movie made me realize more. Well done.

  23. Danyella Mulunda to Karen Sereshgi
    Karen I liked your comment about Bruno getting killed in the gas shower. I liked it because the way you described the scene, the lighting, etc., it proved to me that you were really shocked. Great Karen!

  24. wani mwangu
    I'm choosing the last scene where shumel and Bruno dies in the shower. I think it added to it because pictures have a housand words. For example I never knew how the gas chemicals looked but with the movie i know how it looks. It also added to it because there was rain and how the mom was crying made it more dramatic. But on the other hand it also changed the part after Bruno dies because his dad himself in the book walked the trail of Bruno.

  25. wani to danyella
    I like your commet because in the movie you could really tell that he had feelings for his family. It also shoced me when his dad started to cry. I think he was crying because it was part of his fault for bringing Bruno go to Austwitz.
    wani to James
    I like also like the part in the movie where pavel droped the glass. It made more dramatic because while LT kotler was beating Pavel up the dad had a staight face.

  26. William to Emaan

    I liked your comment very much, I agree with what you said about LT Kotler being very mean to Pavel. Also I agree with you about the movie explaining a bit more and you could nderstand the details a bit more. It's also good you mentioned that LT Kotler was mean to Pavel not just when he dropped the bottle of wine but also the scene with the tire (swing).

  27. William to Imani

    I agree with you about the scene when Shmuel is cleaning the glasses and Bruno gives him food is very sad because when LT Kotler comes through the door, he sees Shmuel eating and he asks Bruno if they were friends, but Bruno lies and says no. First I got mad at Bruno for not being honest but he was so scared that he just couldn't think straight.

  28. Guy

    The scene I picked from the movie was when Bruno died. It was sad because Bruno tried to help Shmuel find his dad. It helped me because the movie was the same as the book when Bruno died. This also help me learn about his father because if they had not moved to the Outwith then Bruno's death wouldn't have happened.

    Comment to Shezlin

    I agree with you because i think that the movie explain more things then the book. i agree with you when Pavlo spill the wine when he did not mean to and in the movie you can see the people and how they look like i agree with that to.

  29. Guy comment to Emaan

    I agree with you when you said that the movie explained thing's more then the book and when you said that the movie gave move details. In the beginning of story when Bruno came to his house and found Maria packing his close and in the book it gave the same information as the movie.

  30. Emaan Dhrolia
    Emaan Dhrolia to Karen Sereshgi
    I really liked what you wrote and I also agree that the last part was really terrifying and also that there was Bruno and Shumuel in the gas chambers who did not even see the world,they were so young(just 9 years old).It is really bad because they were the only young one's in there and rest were all grownups.

  31. Emaan Dhrolia
    Emaan Dhrolia to Danyella Mulunda
    I agree with what you said and really like what you wrote,you used many difficult word's and i totally agree with what you wrote you explained it much better that his father for the first time he had feelings and he actually started crying.I can say that he doesen't have feelings by the part when Lt Kotler took Pavel away(after droping the bottle of wine) and his father did not react.Nice thinking.

  32. Imani to Wani
    I agree with you because in books you have to picture the words and in the moovie its done for you which makes it much more easier. Me too i never knew how gas chemicals looked like.

  33. Aicha.y
    For i didn't like the last part because its makes me cry, i felt like it was my Mom or Dad happen too, but it was dramatic like Wani said.
    The book was way different for me because what was in my mind when i was reading the book was a wonderful place in the beginning and the end i cried a lot, and even in the book at the end Gretel was telling to her mother that she miss Bruno a lot then ever...!

  34. sankara

    i think the movie and the book are very similar. the scene with pavel when he spills the whine and when bruno meets shmuel are very simmilar; those scenes are exactly how i imagined it. the scene with the going away party at brunos house was not in the book. i think was memorable and stupendous was the last scene. the scene where shmuel and bruno died was more mellodramatic in the could see the sadness and the death.

  35. sankara

    sankara to daniela

    i agree with you it was very sad.i also think its surprising to see brunos dad cry because he is described very macho by bruno; he didnt even cry at his mothers funeral. i think you did a good job and made good pionts.

  36. sankara to aicha

    i think it your right it was definetly sad when he died.the book was different but also simmilar but the movie was more dramatic. in my mind i thought it was worse no trees all sand and i thought it smelled like death.
