Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas Chapters 8 and 9: Discussion Questions

Answer ONE of the following questions. Remember that your answer must be in at least one paragraph. You still need to respond to two people's comments in at least 3 sentences. Remember that your comments should not be just limited to "I like your answer." You need to explain WHY you like or dislike, agree or disagree.

1. Chapter 8: The beginning of Chapter 8 describes Grandmother, a character that we have been introduced to in previous chapters, but who we have not formally met or developed. Why do you think John Boyne chooses this point in the story to describe Grandmother? Why do you think drama is important to her (and Bruno)?

2.On page 90, Grandmother states the following

:"I wonder-is this where I went wrong with you , Ralf?' she said. 'I wonder if all of the performances I made you give as a boy led you to this. Dressing up like a puppet on a string.'

How do Grandmother's words relate to the drama that she loves so much? Is she expressing a positive or a negative feeling? How do you know?

3. Chapter 9: Why do you think that this chapter opens with the idea that everything has been the same for a long time?

4. In this Chapter we meet Herr Liszt? Who is this man? What do you think about him? On page 98 he says the following: "Then this is what I am here to change. To get your head out of the storybooks and teach you about where you come from. About the great wrongs that have been done to you." What do you think of Herr Liszt's comment, particularly when you know that Bruno is German and lives at Auschwitz?


  1. Question 4
    Farah Nanji

    Herr Liszt is Bruno's home-schooled teacher. I don't like very much because he teaches kids about the holocaust and brainwashes them into respecting Hitler and his ways. For example Gretel got rid of all her dolls so she could put up posters of Hitler. I think Herr Liszt means to tell Bruno that what Bruno has been learning isn't what he should be learning. Also he means that Bruno should stop reading story books and start reading books about Hitler and the holocaust.

  2. Antillia Matenda
    Question 4

    Herr Liszt is Bruno's teacher. I do not really like his character because he seems like he would be a mean person . I think what he meant by that is that he wants the children to honour and serve Hitler like he and the commandent/father want him to. So he wants them to start reading and knowing more about Hitler like Farah said.

  3. Antillia Matenda to Farah Nanji

    Farah I think you are right about the teacher and his character. I also think you are right when you said that you think that he wants to "brainwash" them with stories abou t Hitler, his country and how its so superior. So I absolutly agree with you on your coment.

  4. Emaan Dhrolia
    Question 4

    Herr Liszt is bruno's teacher at home.I don't think Herr Liszt is a nice man because he seems to be mean and he also does not allow Bruno to study anything else accept for Social Studies and Geography.When Herr Listz says that "Then this is what I am here to change" I think he means to say that now he must stop reading the books about example funny books and now he must be ready to learn about Hitler and belive in Hitler's History and Geography,and also in his youth.

  5. Emaan Dhrolia
    I finished my book.................:):):):)

  6. brendan Nov 8, 2011 8:42 PM
    Brendan niebel Question2

    grandmother says that Brunos dad was like a pupet and was wondering were she went wrong with him. It apierd she was disappointed in him. She also started saying he thinks he`s special and dosn`t know what that uniform and the name commandant really means. I believe that it means that he in charge for a lot of killings.

    Comment on Emaan`s answer:
    I would agree that Bruno`s teacher Herr Listz is very nice either also because most of the answers Emaan said such as the unfair subjects.

    Comment on Fara`s post:
    I also agree with Fara`s post because yes it is wrong to brain wash the children into thinking what you want them to think.

  7. William Badagard
    Question 2

    I think that Grandmother means that Father is a man controlled by Hitler and Hitler makes him do terrible stuff, like killing a lot of people. When Grandmother was performing, Father was a part of the show and he had to wear costumes and do what the grown-ups said, like a puppet. He learned how to obey your elders and to do what they wish. So Grandmother thinks that he is Hitlers puppet and she is very disappointed and ashamed, but she blames herself.

  8. William to Farah

    I really liked your comment, because you explained what you thought about Herr Listz and what he taught Bruno and Gretel. I think that you are right about the fact that he is brainwashing the kids. It is good that you said that Bruno wasn't allowed to read funny and happy books anymore, just books about how great Hitler was. Nice job!

  9. Antillia to William

    I really like William's post because he explains about how grangmother is ashamed that Bruno's father is behaving such. And I also disagree because I do not think that Bruno's grandmother is blaming herself for that, I think she i sblaming her son for following everything that Hitler said.

  10. Lee Min-Hyeok
    Question 2

    I think grandmother is meaning that father is a man who is controlling by Hitler and doing terrible things by him. For example, killing a lots of people (Jewish), and make them work very hard. I think she is disappointed about it. Because maybe she thinks that he is a Hitler's puppet.

  11. Danyella Mulunda
    Question 4
    Herr Liszt is Bruno and Gretel's tutor. I think he is straight forward because he thinks geography and history are important while books and art are not important. I think Herr Liszt is trying to persuade Bruno to stop reading storybooks and focus on the reality that is going in around him. I also think he is trying to make Bruno understand that Jewish people are bad from the German point of view because maybe that is what he was taught when he was Bruno's age.

  12. Danyella Mulunda to Farah Nanji and Antillia Matenda
    I agree with you on how Her Liszt is trying to teach Bruno how to serve Hitler and he is also trying to brainwash him. The reason why I agree with you is because Bruno is only nine and at his age it is quite easy to make him change his mind or fool him. Nice thoughts!!

  13. Danyella Mulunda to Emaan Dhrolia
    I agree with you when you said that Herr Liszt is trying to make Bruno stop reading funny books. I agree with you because maybe Herr Liszt thinks that what is going around him is serious, not something to laugh about. Nice thinking!

  14. Emaan Dhrolia
    Emaan Dhrolia to Danyella Mulunda

    I like the point you said about persuade to stop reading book's and to know the reality,and i also agree that he is trying to prove that Jew's are bad and the German's are better.

  15. Emaan Dhrolia
    Emaan Dhrolia to William Badagard

    I totally agree with the point you said that he is doing terrible stuff of what Hitler say's to Bruno's dad.I also agree with the point you said that he is like a puppet of Hitler,and i also agree that grandmother is ashamed of her self,but she die's in the end.

  16. Karen Sereshgi
    Question 4

    Herr Liszt is Bruno's and Gretel's teacher at Auschwitz. I don't really like him, because he is just teaching them to hate Jews. I think Herr Liszt is trying to get Bruno and Gretel to follow what Hitler is doing. I think that Herr Liszt shouldn't just teach them about history. I find that even if Herr Liszt is trying to teach Bruno to hate Jews Bruno isn't listening, and doing what he wants.

  17. Karen to Brandon

    I agree with you. I think that Bruno's is dissapointed with Bruno's dad. If it was me I would be dissapointed too.

  18. Karen to Brandon

    Sorry I meant Bruno's grandma is dissapointed with Bruno's dad.

  19. Karen to Danyella

    I agree with you. I also think Herr Liszt is teaching Bruno and Gretel that Jewish people are bad, because that is what he was thaught when he was younger. But I find that it is good that Herr Liszt is trying to get them to focus on what's going on around them.

    1. I Feel that it is not good that Herr Liszt is trying to get them to focus on what's going on around them because bruno is a child he cant handle such heavy situations

  20. Lee Min-Hyeok to Emaan

    I agree with you're perspective about why Herr Liszt is bad. Because Bruno also need to learn Social Studies and Geography and these are also important in you're life. So I think he is bad.

  21. Chandni Shukla
    Question 1

    Chapter 8 is mostly about grandmother and her drama. I believe that Boyne decided to talk about grandma this late because this is when Bruno see's all that drama going on, on the other side of the fence, from his window. Also father has all his soldiers walking in and out of Bruno's home. I think drama is very important to Bruno and his Grandmother because there is always and a lot of drama in life. Bruno has just moved to Out-with and is new there so he will experience a lot of drama further in his life. (I wrote this as if he is living this life, not as if this is a book.)

  22. Chandni Shukla to Karen Sereshgi

    I enjoyed reading your answer, but felt like it was unfinished. You said you think Herr Liszt shouldn't only teach them about hating on Jews, but what did you want him to teach them about at the time the Holocaust was going on. I agree with the fact that Bruno is ignoring the teacher and continuing his passion of exploring.

  23. Aicha to karen
    I really liked your comment,because you explain the best you were thinking and i agree with you on the point that Mr. Herr wants to teach Bruno and Gretel how to hate jewish and for me even if the jewish are whatever, they are humans like us and we should threat them well as others.

  24. Durjaya Sharma to William Badagard

    I like the point you made by saying that Hitler might be controlling father to do lots of killing and murder. I also like what you said about the grown-ups controlling him like a puppet.

  25. Lee Min-Hyeok to Karen

    I agree with your perspective about why you don't like him. I also think he has a bad mentality as he is promoting bad behavior. Normally students are taught good values and morals that need to build them up to be good citizens and not to be inhuman.

  26. Shekinah Githinji
    Question 4

    Herr Liszt is Bruno's and Gretel's Tutor at the Out With. I think that he is kind off mean and kind of bossy. I think that Herr Liszt comment was mean because Bruno loves reading storybooks.I also think that he shouldn't be only teaching them about History he should also teach the English, Math etc. I also think it was mean of teaching them that Jews are bad but I think Bruno was doing good by becoming Shmuel's friend.

  27. Shekinah Githinji
    Shekinah to Farah N.

    Farah I agree with you saying that Herr Liszt is mean by teaching the children about the Holocaust and by brainwashing them into serving Hitler. I also think what Bruno was learning before was also good and not bad.

  28. Shekinah Githinji
    Shekinah G.to Danyella M.
    Danyella I agree with you that he is quite straight forward and he thinks that History and Geography are much more important than the other subjects that can be taught or learnt at home.Yes I agree with you that, that is exactly what he is thinking.

  29. Farah Nanji
    comment to Brendan

    I agree with you Brendan. I was first a bit confused with what grandma meant, but now i think you are absolutely right. Bruno's dad doesn't seem to understand what his job is and how it is affecting people. I also think that grandma was referring to his job as bad because he kills a lot.

  30. Farah Nanji
    Comment on Shekinah

    I agree with you. Herr Liszt is very mean and bossy. I also think that he should teach them math and geography. Lastly I think Bruno did the right thing by being friends with Shmuel.

  31. sankara to brendan

    good work i think your answer is right grandma is disapointed and his dad is just happy that he´s a commandant

  32. Shezlin Hemnani
    Question 4:

    I think Herr Liszt is a very mean, bossy, and harsh home-schooling teacher. I don't like Herr Liszt because he just wants to teach Bruno and Gretel stuff about Hitler and the Holocaust. He makes Gretel throw away all of her dolls and put up posters of Hitler and violence. I think until now, Bruno was a lot into storybooks and fun but now Herr Liszt wants to change the nine year old's brain and turn into thinking about violent stuff and thinking good about Hitler and the Holocaust. I don't think Herr Liszt is a nice man. I think he is very harsh and rude with children. I think Bruno and Gretel should not listen to Herr Liszt even if he is their teacher because they should realize that what he is teaching them is wrong. If not Bruno then at least Gretel should realize that what the teacher is teaching them is wrong. I agree with Farah, I think Herr Liszt is brainwashing Bruno and Gretel.

  33. Shezlin Hemnani to Farah Nanji

    I totally agree with you, Farah because I also think Herr Liszt is brainwashing them about Hitler and the Holocaust. I personally don't like Herr Liszt because he sounds very mean and bossy to me! Anyways, Great Job!! I really liked your answer to Question 4!

  34. Shezlin Hemnani to Chandni Shukla

    I agree with you Chandni because I think this is where all the drama starts and I think the author wants to put everything into action at the same time! I like your post because that is what I think and it makes sense to me!

  35. Sankara question 4

    Herr Liszt is Bruno and Gretel’s private home tutor. he is rude and disrespectful. i think the comment he made ( " then this is what I’m here to change , he said in a sinister voice "to get your head out of your story books.) was really mean. i think he thinks he’s superior and can say whatever he wants. he should teach more things that the children want not only what he wants. i think what he meant by that comment was that he was wronged by having to move next to hundreds of Jews.

  36. guy comment on sankara

    I ageer with you win you say that he should teach more things that the children want not only what he want and i htink he is very rood to Bruno .

  37. Guy Question 4

    Herr liszt is bruno's teacher. I think he is rood and mien because win he said to bruno this is what am here for to get your head out of the storybook's. I think that was very hartful because he is only 9and he does not no that much about stuff.

  38. sankara to chandi

    i think jhon boyne did this on purpose when bruno was sad and had nothing to do but think of the people he missed,i also think bruno has a lot of drama goig on in his life more than a normal 9 yrs old.

  39. William Badagard
    Comment on Shezlin

    I relly liked your comment! I totally agree with you about Herr Liszt is being very mean to Bruno and Gretel by trying to change the way they think and their interests.
    For example he made Gretel throw away her dolls. I also agree about that Bruno and Gretel should probobly figure what Hitler is doing is bad, even though they're just kids and they don't know that much about the world.

  40. Durjaya Sharma to Sankara

    I think that your right about Herr Liszt being mean to Bruno and Gretel i also think that he is pushing them too far i also agree about him thinking that he can do any thing he wants to.

  41. Chandni Shukla to Sankara Olamaia

    I agree with your answer. I agree on how you think he is rude and that he shouldn't be teaching the kids the wronger things. He shouldn't of said that he should get their he'd out of the books. Books is what you learn out of the most.

  42. Aicha.yacoub
    For me,Herr liszt is a horrible teacher,ergo he defend Bruno to read storybooks or adventure books.And Bruno should start reading books about Hilter teaching,like he did to Gretel and now Gretl throw away all of her dolls and she start put in Hilter posters everywhere in her room and she also read newspapers something she never did before.In that way it makes me think of Herr liszt in a bad way in some ways of hs teachings.Herr liszt should put more pressure on Bruno,then Gretel,ergo if he do that Bruno would understand why they separate shmuel to the other side of the fence.And i'm pretty sure that Bruno would know how jewish were mean;horrible'ugly and people that are not people at all etc...

  43. Aicha to William
    I agree with your answer,but Herr liszt was a good person in a different way of looking at the result of what happen to Bruno at the end of the book.

  44. Imani Paluku
    I think that bruno is both similar and diferent from shmuel because bruno is wealthy and shmuel is poor. Somethin in similar is that bruno is born the same day.

  45. question 4
    Yes. Herr Liszt is Bruno’s tutor. Herr Liszt is mean. He doesn’t allow Bruno to study some subjects, only geography and history. He teaches him about Hitler. Herr Liszt thinks he can do anything he wants. Bruno is just 9 and he won’t understand things about Hitler, he might understand some things of Hitler.

  46. I really like your comment Farah Nanji it helped me.THANKS.............
